On the Zero to Three website, I find the behavior and development section particularly relevant. I encounter difficult behavior often, and there is a page dedicated to resources with tips suggestions on how to deal with it.
One of the Q&A's about behavior struck me asking what to do when"telling her, No and swatting her hand when she touches something she shouldn't" doesn't work. I found it interesting that no where in the main answer, did they explain that swatting the child may not be the best practice. At the end of the main answer, there is a read more section that does discuss it, but it strikes me as odd that it was something you had to dig for. The main answer, actually, doesn't really give much information about how to handle it, other than to explain it is generally accepted for a child that age to repeat the action even after being told no. For parents searching for a quick answer, it doesn't directly give them proper ways to deal with the behavior, but shrugs it off. Upon further inspection in the 'read more' link after the answer, it does go in depth.
I feel that exploring the sight further, parents have a lot of concerns and questions that many childcare workers may feel are basic common understanding. It is good to keep in mind that parents, even if they have had other children, do not always see things the way that educators do.