Friday, July 20, 2012

Week 4 Blog Assignment

"When authority figures behave in ways that aren’t familiar to children, the children can feel confused. Some children are used to firm, strict, and sometimes physical guidance and without it they keep testing the limits." Janet Gonzales-Mena

Parents don't make mistakes because they don't care, but because they care so deeply. - T. Berry Brazelton

Two quotes about passion, motivation and wisdom from the week 2 segment:

"I had a built in passion that it was important to make a real contribution in the world and to fix all the injustices in the world, and I wanted to do that through teaching." - Louise Derman-Sparks

"working intently with children and families was almost like getting a doctorate, because every year there was always a specific challenge that I was in charge of and I hat to meet it, i had to meet it for me, in terms of what I was modeling for my staff, and what they would be taking away and incorporate into their own personal repertoire and because of the families." - Renatta M. Cooper


  1. Parents don't make mistakes because they don't care, but because they care so deeply. - T. Berry Brazelton

    I love that quote. As a parent that is so true. It is also true for educators. We try so hard to do the best for our students and our own children and sometimes we do make mistakes. But we learn from those mistakes and do better the next time.

  2. I too liked the way Louise Derman-Sparks described her passion for what she does. The quote that you used says it all!

    What better way to contribute to the world than through children.

  3. You chose some very important quotes from your significant contributors especially Berry Brazelton. Mistakes are common and we all make mistakes but also learn from them. Interesting one from Renatta Cooper, can relate to this one.

  4. Lauren,

    It is my sincere hope and prayer that T. Berry Brazelton is right.
