Wednesday, August 7, 2013

week 6

This week you read about the five stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Consider the adjourning phase for several of the groups in which you have been involved. Think about which aspects of the groups made for the hardest good-bye. Are high-performing groups hardest to leave? Groups with the clearest established norms? Which of the groups that you participated in was hardest to leave? Why? What sorts of closing rituals have you experienced or wish you had experienced? How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program? Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?
(Adapted from O'Hair and Wiemann, 2012, pp. 278)

1 comment:

  1. Like you I have read about the stages of team development. It was really an interesting literature to read. It was the first time that I was reading about team development. I am certain that you have learned from the text.I am glad that I was exposed to this kind of information, especially as a prospective team leader.
