Sunday, December 23, 2012
WK8 blog assignment
There is no week 8 assignment, the class is over! I am not confidant in my final assignment. The content is fine, I am more concerned about the formatting since there were no specific instructions. Since we had to submit it to taskstream/eportfolio and we have yet to do that, I am also paranoid I've submitted it wrong. Does anyone else wish we had more detailed instructions and an option to submit things to eportfolio prior to this assignment? There is no going back from here, you pass the major assessment assignment or: you take an incomplete and try again, or you retake the course. #freakingout
Friday, December 14, 2012
Role Model
this is not part of our class, but I wanted to share what this local teacher did when he quit!
Article at:
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
week 8 blog assignment
I find this particularly intriguing because as an early childhood educator, I have often said that I help raise peoples children. In doing this, I feel like a major influence in their lives and I also have many differences in how I feel they should be raised in comparison to the parents. I do not feel that parents are always positive influences in children's lives, and although I believe that they do have their own network, we are here to guide them as well as their children Unfortunately many parents have other obligations, and the child ends up in our care for more time then they are home and awake.
With the second part of this assignment, I am unsure of if I am supposed to post to my two colleagues here, or on their blogs as well, the way it is written seems to me that I am to post them here, and then additionally post 2 comments on our week 8 blog.
Each and every one of you who has interacted in our class has had an impact on my views and thinking about child development and about my masters degree in general. I am sure we will meet in a class again soon. A special thank you to Lydia O. and Lorren T. for producing quality discussions and excellent commentary. Congratulations to everyone on finishing this course!
With the second part of this assignment, I am unsure of if I am supposed to post to my two colleagues here, or on their blogs as well, the way it is written seems to me that I am to post them here, and then additionally post 2 comments on our week 8 blog.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
WK 6 Blog Assignment
I believe in order to view the "whole child" we must take into account age, developmental expectations and where the child's abilities are. Their personality and their morals are also factors The family situation economically, structurally, their support system and their culture and beliefs are also key. These components provide a well rounded ideal of who a child is and what they may be capable of, rather than simple standardized testing.
In Canada, I found a program, High Five, which has aspired to improve development through sports and recreation. They use a standardized test which is administered by trained practitioners. It seems that their standardized testing is similar to the US.
"HIGH FIVE is a program of Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) designed to improve developmental outcomes for children participating in recreation and sport. The program assists recreation and sport providers to ensure a high level of quality in their programs, and to help parents make informed choices about programs for theirchildren.
The High Five Quest (Quality Experience Scanning Tool) has been developed as an in-house assessmentprocess administered by the service provider. Along with training, there are detailed guidelines included in the package to help practitioners use the tools correctly. The Quest is an integral part of the Using the High Five Quest Training Workshop. It is available only to those who have completed the training." (High Five, 1999, p1)
High five: Reaching across ontario. (1999). Journal CAHPERD, 65(2), 40-41. Retrieved from;
Saturday, September 29, 2012
WK 5 Blog Assignment
No week 5 Assignment. Hopefully I can take advantage of the free time I never have...
WK 4 Blog Assignment
Well, I am sad to say that I wrote a huge blog and then my computer overheated and I lost it. Good thing the new computer arrived this week, I just hadn't switched all my stuff over yet and wanted to get my work done before playing with all my files while I move them. So, I guarantee this post is not nearly as good as it had been.
So this assignment is about my experience with sickness/disease in the family, which was a huge stresser to my brother an I as we grew up, and even today. My father has been sick since before I was officially a teenager, I believe they call them tween's now. My brother is four years younger than me, and was in elementary school. Our first health encounter was a spine problem, the solution was to fuse some disks in my fathers spine. During recovery, my father was practically paralyzed from the waist down, gaining control very slowly. Soon we discovered there was a blood clot which needed to be removed but was risky. Being from MA, it was unusual for a procedure to happen out of state, but my father found a procedure that could be performed which he felt was a good risk to take. It went well, but paralyzed one of his vocal cords, his voice at 10% of what it used to be- something devastating to our family, as my fathers livelihood was being a radio DJ. Another experimental surgery placed a silicone implant next to his working vocal cord, which vibrated the paralyzed one, giving him back about 80% of the voice he had. Then, they found cancer in his lung. Chemo and other treatments left us at the option to remove his left lung. More chemo to ensure everything was in remission and we thought we were good to go! Pneumonia hit, and landed dad on oxygen. Gradually he was able to function without it, and then pneumonia hit again, and he was on oxygen full time. It almost killed him. He's on oxygen permanently. Pneumonia hit a third time, and thankfully he recovered. It has been over 10 years, and the doctors have cleared him of any possible return of lung cancer. He can walk, usually without a cane. He is on oxygen but makes a habit of remaining active. This includes getting three oxygen hoses each 10 feet long so he can go lounge in the lake while we're on vacation! He frequents the local gym and sits in the hottub and the pool regularly, keeping the tank away from the water, but using long hoses so he can roam a bit. He can drive. He can talk. He can laugh (and complain, for that matter hahaha). and most importantly, he lives. My father is turning 65 this year. The past 15 years have been a roller coaster for my brother and I. Four years apart, I never realized how much he missed or doesn't remember. We used to go roller skating regularly with my dad, weekend trips to the lake to spend time on our boat, cuddle time watching tv, daddy used to cook dinner too. My brother remembers little of this, and seems to have suffered emotionally. He distances himself from my father because he's afraid of getting too close, we have almost lost him too many times in our life. He spends a lot of time with my mom, though. Me on the other hand, I'm daddy's girl. I call him and chat a lot, while my brother who is still home- barely talks to him. Some might think my brother simply doesn't get along with my father, but the problem is that they are similar and that he is secretly just as sentimental as dad. My brothers college essay was all about his struggles with my fathers illnesses, he let only me read it. It was difficult to focus on school when there was a health problem, but for me it was easier to keep going and doing my school work because there was nothing I could do to fix daddy. Staying at home and crying didn't help. Now that I'm older, I am still striving for greatness in order to impress my dad. I am who I am because of his problems.
I don't have a special affinity for any specific region in order to research stresses there. One frustrating part of this class, is i'm simply not interested in other regions at this time. Randomly, I found an article about obesity in Portugal. This article discusses "Prevalence of overweight and obesity are elevated among children of the Sintra region in Portugal compared to most other regions of Europe"(Ferreira & Marques-Vidal, 2008, p1) and that the "The relationship with the parents’ nutritional state stresses the need to target families for preventing obesity" (Ferreira & Marques-Vidal, 2008, p1). It is decieded that "parental BMI and dietary selectivity appear to exert a higher effect than birth weight, breastfeeding, or school meals."
Ferreira, R. J., & Marques-vidal, P. (2008). Prevalence and determinants of obesity in children in public schools of sintra, portugal. Obesity, 16(2), 497-500. doi: 10.1038/oby.2007.74
So this assignment is about my experience with sickness/disease in the family, which was a huge stresser to my brother an I as we grew up, and even today. My father has been sick since before I was officially a teenager, I believe they call them tween's now. My brother is four years younger than me, and was in elementary school. Our first health encounter was a spine problem, the solution was to fuse some disks in my fathers spine. During recovery, my father was practically paralyzed from the waist down, gaining control very slowly. Soon we discovered there was a blood clot which needed to be removed but was risky. Being from MA, it was unusual for a procedure to happen out of state, but my father found a procedure that could be performed which he felt was a good risk to take. It went well, but paralyzed one of his vocal cords, his voice at 10% of what it used to be- something devastating to our family, as my fathers livelihood was being a radio DJ. Another experimental surgery placed a silicone implant next to his working vocal cord, which vibrated the paralyzed one, giving him back about 80% of the voice he had. Then, they found cancer in his lung. Chemo and other treatments left us at the option to remove his left lung. More chemo to ensure everything was in remission and we thought we were good to go! Pneumonia hit, and landed dad on oxygen. Gradually he was able to function without it, and then pneumonia hit again, and he was on oxygen full time. It almost killed him. He's on oxygen permanently. Pneumonia hit a third time, and thankfully he recovered. It has been over 10 years, and the doctors have cleared him of any possible return of lung cancer. He can walk, usually without a cane. He is on oxygen but makes a habit of remaining active. This includes getting three oxygen hoses each 10 feet long so he can go lounge in the lake while we're on vacation! He frequents the local gym and sits in the hottub and the pool regularly, keeping the tank away from the water, but using long hoses so he can roam a bit. He can drive. He can talk. He can laugh (and complain, for that matter hahaha). and most importantly, he lives. My father is turning 65 this year. The past 15 years have been a roller coaster for my brother and I. Four years apart, I never realized how much he missed or doesn't remember. We used to go roller skating regularly with my dad, weekend trips to the lake to spend time on our boat, cuddle time watching tv, daddy used to cook dinner too. My brother remembers little of this, and seems to have suffered emotionally. He distances himself from my father because he's afraid of getting too close, we have almost lost him too many times in our life. He spends a lot of time with my mom, though. Me on the other hand, I'm daddy's girl. I call him and chat a lot, while my brother who is still home- barely talks to him. Some might think my brother simply doesn't get along with my father, but the problem is that they are similar and that he is secretly just as sentimental as dad. My brothers college essay was all about his struggles with my fathers illnesses, he let only me read it. It was difficult to focus on school when there was a health problem, but for me it was easier to keep going and doing my school work because there was nothing I could do to fix daddy. Staying at home and crying didn't help. Now that I'm older, I am still striving for greatness in order to impress my dad. I am who I am because of his problems.
I don't have a special affinity for any specific region in order to research stresses there. One frustrating part of this class, is i'm simply not interested in other regions at this time. Randomly, I found an article about obesity in Portugal. This article discusses "Prevalence of overweight and obesity are elevated among children of the Sintra region in Portugal compared to most other regions of Europe"(Ferreira & Marques-Vidal, 2008, p1) and that the "The relationship with the parents’ nutritional state stresses the need to target families for preventing obesity" (Ferreira & Marques-Vidal, 2008, p1). It is decieded that "parental BMI and dietary selectivity appear to exert a higher effect than birth weight, breastfeeding, or school meals."
Ferreira, R. J., & Marques-vidal, P. (2008). Prevalence and determinants of obesity in children in public schools of sintra, portugal. Obesity, 16(2), 497-500. doi: 10.1038/oby.2007.74
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
WK2 blog assignment
SIDS is important to me as a public health issue for families of infants because I work with infants on a daily basis. Sudden infant death syndrome is the term used when an infant dies suddenly without any cause or known medical reason. There does not appear to be any indicators prior to death that there is something wrong. There are some preventative measures, such as infants sleeping on their backs in a well ventilated room.
In Asutria, they have a "Safe Sleep" campaign to make parents and families aware of SIDS prevention methods. "The current focus is to convey a clear and uniform message in personal conversations before and after birth of the child. These conversations with parents are the most important tool to detect SIDS related anxiety and a possibly increased risk of SIDS. In the last 30 years various polysomnographic parameters were published that were associated with an increased risk of SIDS.Today there is international consent that polysomnography is not an efficient screening method to demonstrate increased risk of SIDS. Therefore the use of polysomnography, besides research purposes, has been limited to investigating clinical symptoms of infants and children. Concerning monitoring it is important to note that--in contrast to the undisputed importance of monitoring breathing disorders--the effectiveness inSIDS prevention is unproven. State of the art are instruments that monitor heart and breathing rate and have adequate storage functions. The duration of monitoring should encompass the symptomatic period as well as a safety period of three months. The monitor should not be routinely prescribed for a year. The guiding principle is "As short as possible with stringent indication". Prerequisite for the monitoring is good instruction of the parents and a continuous consultation by competent outpatient clinics." (Ipsiroglu, Kerbl, Urschitz & Kurz, 2010)
Ipsiroglu OS, Kerbl R, Urschitz M, Kurz R.(2010) Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift; Vol. 112 (5), pp. 187-92.
My future work is impacted by SIDS knowledge, and I have taken training about it. without knowledge of what SIDS is, I believe state guidelines here in MA would be different. We are not allowed to place an infant on their stomach, but can allow them to sleep that way if they roll over themselves. There are to be no loose items in the cribs while in the facility, all blankets must be tucked in tightly or the baby must be swaddled. Toys are not allowed in the cribs. As always, constant supervision is required at all times. Generally, each facility has good air circulation as well.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
WK1 Blog assignment
I have had very little personal experience with the child birthing process so far. One experience I clearly remember was when I was four years old. My grandfather was a doctor and helped my mother with delivering me, and was doing the same by delivering my baby brother. I remember being in the hospital waiting room with my dad when my grandpa came in and told my dad that the baby was blue. Being a naive child, I asked confused "Isn't he going to be white, like us?". My grandpa explained that he was going to look just as we do, but currently had a blue tint because the cord was wrapped around his neck. I was then given a choice of Joshua, Jason, Jonathan, or Jacob to name my brother. Of course, I choose the longest of Jonathan! For my development, this experience allowed me to ask questions about where babies come from. It allowed me to watch as my mothers body and emotions changed. It showed me that I can make big decisions. It let me be curious. For my brothers development, his lack of oxygen could have presented problems with further growth, but this was not the case for him.
I choose to research Mexico as a different place of comparison for births.
"Mothers aged 14-19 account for roughly 480,000, or 24 percent, of Mexico's 2 million annual births, the Health Secretariat said Saturday." (EFE news service, 2012) "A teen pregnancy is considered high risk due to the immaturity of the (adolescent's) body, which puts them at risk of preeclampsia or hemorrhages, conditions that are among the main causes of maternal mortality," (EFE news service, 2012). We have seen similar trends in the US of teen pregnancies, but the education of teens and the support given to them gives them provides benefits that mexico does not. "The CDC reported the birth rate for teens ages 15 to 19 had declined 35 percent from 1991 to 2005. The news isn't quite as good in New Mexico, which has seen only a 21 percent decline in teen births from 1991 to 2004. New Mexico remains third highest in the nation for teen births, said Sylvia Ruiz, executive director for the New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition" (HOLT, 2006), In Mexico, There is a higher risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases because of a lack of protection, which is a result of poor sexual education. The baby is also at a higher risk due to the young age of the mothers physically, as well as the fact that they may not be aware of proper prenatal care.
EFE News Service (2012, Apr 07) Teen mothers account for quarter of all births in mexico. Retrieved from
Gwin, K., Schrader, R., Peters, K., Moreno, A., Thiel, K., & Leslie, K. (2012). An exploratory study of the variables impacting preterm birth rates in New Mexico. BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, 1253.
HOLT, L. Journal, S. W. (2006, Nov 24). Teen births in U.S. at record low ; new mexico's rate is third highest in nation.Albuquerque Journal, pp. 1-A1. Retrieved from
HOLT, L. Journal, S. W. (2007, Jan 10). Violence tied to risky births ; poor pre-natal care also cited in new mexico pregnancy health assessment. Albuquerque Journal, pp. 1-B1. Retrieved from
I choose to research Mexico as a different place of comparison for births.
"Mothers aged 14-19 account for roughly 480,000, or 24 percent, of Mexico's 2 million annual births, the Health Secretariat said Saturday." (EFE news service, 2012) "A teen pregnancy is considered high risk due to the immaturity of the (adolescent's) body, which puts them at risk of preeclampsia or hemorrhages, conditions that are among the main causes of maternal mortality," (EFE news service, 2012). We have seen similar trends in the US of teen pregnancies, but the education of teens and the support given to them gives them provides benefits that mexico does not. "The CDC reported the birth rate for teens ages 15 to 19 had declined 35 percent from 1991 to 2005. The news isn't quite as good in New Mexico, which has seen only a 21 percent decline in teen births from 1991 to 2004. New Mexico remains third highest in the nation for teen births, said Sylvia Ruiz, executive director for the New Mexico Teen Pregnancy Coalition" (HOLT, 2006), In Mexico, There is a higher risk of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases because of a lack of protection, which is a result of poor sexual education. The baby is also at a higher risk due to the young age of the mothers physically, as well as the fact that they may not be aware of proper prenatal care.
EFE News Service (2012, Apr 07) Teen mothers account for quarter of all births in mexico. Retrieved from
Gwin, K., Schrader, R., Peters, K., Moreno, A., Thiel, K., & Leslie, K. (2012). An exploratory study of the variables impacting preterm birth rates in New Mexico. BMC Pregnancy And Childbirth, 1253.
HOLT, L. Journal, S. W. (2006, Nov 24). Teen births in U.S. at record low ; new mexico's rate is third highest in nation.Albuquerque Journal, pp. 1-A1. Retrieved from
HOLT, L. Journal, S. W. (2007, Jan 10). Violence tied to risky births ; poor pre-natal care also cited in new mexico pregnancy health assessment. Albuquerque Journal, pp. 1-B1. Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Week 8 Blog Assignment
CONGRATULATIONS! we finished the class :) Thank you to everyone who responded and commented throughout the 8 weeks!
I am both excited and terrified to be finished with our foundations class for the program. I am wondering if it will be more difficult in future classes because it is no longer just the 'foundation' into class. I am very pleased with my grades though, which is a great relief to me! My mother has a very roundabout way of being supportive, and usually tells me I am going to fail out (reverse psychology to make me try not to fail?). With this course, every positive comment our instructor gave me I was excited about and shared with her, only to have her respond back saying that "she has to do that because it's a for-profit school and they want your money". GREAT MOM, THANKS. My coworkers have been very supportive of my good grades, and have shared excited discussions with me about each week's assignments.
I wish I could have helped my classmates more, I feel for those who were struggling with how to submit or properly post, almost til the end of the course. I hope our professor was more help than the discussion board let on, I feel she often regurgitated the information posted instead of wording it differently for those who were still struggling and may not have understood that way. I'll be of as much help as I can if anyone needs it!! I used to help my college friends do computer things when we were apart during summers, and I am pretty good and giving walk through's and other specific information to get to the end result! You can alway post on the blog, or use our walden E-mail :) I hate for anyone to struggle through the class only due to technology.
I wish we had access to our next course earlier, I would love to poke around for more than a couple days to make sure i've read everything. I am curious to see how different each instructor is, especially with grading! I hope that all of us continue in the same classes so we can have a stronger network and develop long distance friendships so we can vent about work (haha). I thank all of you for providing support with responses to our assignments and for posting before me to give me strength or ideas for my own posts, I think I only posted first once!
on another note, i'm SO MAD. I was filling out my tuition reimbursemnt information for the next two classes i'm going to be taking and I realize it says that they will notify me if the application goes through or not. well, I was never notified and it has been over 8 weeks (the form had to be submitted PRIOR to enrolling- WHAT?!) so I think my boss forgot to submit it!!! I have to talk to her tomorrow, but she tends to be forgetful. I am hoping that they can let me re-submit, since they won't process anything until I give them proof that I've passed with a B or better anyway. she better not do this for the next set of classes!!! they will give me up to $1500 or 75% of my classes per year (whichever is lower haha), which is awesome, because this summer course was considered 2001-2012, and gives me an additional year of refunds since its a 2-ish year program. Septembers class is considered 2012-2013 :)
I am both excited and terrified to be finished with our foundations class for the program. I am wondering if it will be more difficult in future classes because it is no longer just the 'foundation' into class. I am very pleased with my grades though, which is a great relief to me! My mother has a very roundabout way of being supportive, and usually tells me I am going to fail out (reverse psychology to make me try not to fail?). With this course, every positive comment our instructor gave me I was excited about and shared with her, only to have her respond back saying that "she has to do that because it's a for-profit school and they want your money". GREAT MOM, THANKS. My coworkers have been very supportive of my good grades, and have shared excited discussions with me about each week's assignments.
I wish I could have helped my classmates more, I feel for those who were struggling with how to submit or properly post, almost til the end of the course. I hope our professor was more help than the discussion board let on, I feel she often regurgitated the information posted instead of wording it differently for those who were still struggling and may not have understood that way. I'll be of as much help as I can if anyone needs it!! I used to help my college friends do computer things when we were apart during summers, and I am pretty good and giving walk through's and other specific information to get to the end result! You can alway post on the blog, or use our walden E-mail :) I hate for anyone to struggle through the class only due to technology.
I wish we had access to our next course earlier, I would love to poke around for more than a couple days to make sure i've read everything. I am curious to see how different each instructor is, especially with grading! I hope that all of us continue in the same classes so we can have a stronger network and develop long distance friendships so we can vent about work (haha). I thank all of you for providing support with responses to our assignments and for posting before me to give me strength or ideas for my own posts, I think I only posted first once!
on another note, i'm SO MAD. I was filling out my tuition reimbursemnt information for the next two classes i'm going to be taking and I realize it says that they will notify me if the application goes through or not. well, I was never notified and it has been over 8 weeks (the form had to be submitted PRIOR to enrolling- WHAT?!) so I think my boss forgot to submit it!!! I have to talk to her tomorrow, but she tends to be forgetful. I am hoping that they can let me re-submit, since they won't process anything until I give them proof that I've passed with a B or better anyway. she better not do this for the next set of classes!!! they will give me up to $1500 or 75% of my classes per year (whichever is lower haha), which is awesome, because this summer course was considered 2001-2012, and gives me an additional year of refunds since its a 2-ish year program. Septembers class is considered 2012-2013 :)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Week 7 Blog Assignment
three ideals contained in the NAEYC and DEC codes of ethics
I-1.9—To advocate for and ensure that all children,
including those with special needs, have access to the
support services needed to be successful.
this is important to me because I have worked with many children who were in need of services and I have had to advocate for them in order to obtain the proper services for them. Some families believe that needing services can label their children, and I believe that it is just a benefit for the child.
I-2.1 To be familiar with the knowledge base related to
working effectively with families and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.
This is crucial to any educator because the field is ever-changing. Massachusetts requires 20 hours of training a year to be an early childhood professional.
I-2.7—To share information about each child’s education and development with families and to help them understand and appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession..
This is such an important ideal because some parent simply have no experience being in charge of another life! Being knowledgeable and sharing the information with families give them a valuable resource that they can converse with.
I-1.9—To advocate for and ensure that all children,
including those with special needs, have access to the
support services needed to be successful.
this is important to me because I have worked with many children who were in need of services and I have had to advocate for them in order to obtain the proper services for them. Some families believe that needing services can label their children, and I believe that it is just a benefit for the child.
I-2.1 To be familiar with the knowledge base related to
working effectively with families and to stay informed
through continuing education and training.
This is crucial to any educator because the field is ever-changing. Massachusetts requires 20 hours of training a year to be an early childhood professional.
I-2.7—To share information about each child’s education and development with families and to help them understand and appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession..
This is such an important ideal because some parent simply have no experience being in charge of another life! Being knowledgeable and sharing the information with families give them a valuable resource that they can converse with.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Week 6 Blog Assignment
no week 6 assignment! lucky me, i've been renovating my kitchen so this gives me a few spare moments!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Week 4 Blog Assignment
"When authority figures behave in ways that aren’t familiar to children, the children can feel confused. Some children are used to firm, strict, and sometimes physical guidance and without it they keep testing the limits." Janet Gonzales-Mena
"I had a built in passion that it was important to make a real contribution in the world and to fix all the injustices in the world, and I wanted to do that through teaching." - Louise Derman-Sparks
"working intently with children and families was almost like getting a doctorate, because every year there was always a specific challenge that I was in charge of and I hat to meet it, i had to meet it for me, in terms of what I was modeling for my staff, and what they would be taking away and incorporate into their own personal repertoire and because of the families." - Renatta M. Cooper
Parents don't make mistakes because they don't care, but because they care so deeply. - T. Berry Brazelton
Two quotes about passion, motivation and wisdom from the week 2 segment:
"working intently with children and families was almost like getting a doctorate, because every year there was always a specific challenge that I was in charge of and I hat to meet it, i had to meet it for me, in terms of what I was modeling for my staff, and what they would be taking away and incorporate into their own personal repertoire and because of the families." - Renatta M. Cooper
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Week 3 Blog Assignment
Personal Childhood Web
this web is permanently located to the right of my blog, but additionally, i'll post it here as well.
Mom and Dad
My grandparents passed away when I was younger than 7, but I will always remember them. I used to have sleepovers, and my grandfather would do magic tricks, he was a magician for fun. When staying up late, he would often hypnotize me with his gold pocket watch so that I could go to sleep! I remember not being allowed to go to their funeral because I was too young, a decision I had no part in yet respected, although I still feel like I should have been there. My grandparents always had dried pineapple and apricots in their crystal candy dishes, the pineapple is still my favorite treat. I remember the silly colored bathrooms, metallic wall paper, and black and white tv.
I went to a home daycare with my brother before attending kindergarten. Dottie had a bunch of her own children who were often helping with taking care of us. Some of them were in high school and were not always the best influences, but she made sure to shoo them away when they were being inappropriate. I remember there was turmoil occasionally with her second husband, but nothing specific about it. I remember one boy who attended, who told me that thunder was his daddy bowling in heaven. I remember her big purple minivan.
My brother Jon is 4 years younger than me. When he was born I was excited! The doctor came to us and told us he was blue, and being young and naive, I asked why he wasn't going to be white like us! My family explained that he was bluish in tone because of a lack of oxygen, but that he would be ok, and not blue. I enjoyedcaring for him, but probably stole his bottle a time or two. We have never been super close, but have always had an influence on each other and how we saw our lives.
this web is permanently located to the right of my blog, but additionally, i'll post it here as well.
Mom and Dad
The first people to influence me as a child were my parents. Their love and quirky sense of humor helped shape who I am today. They supported good moral values, and gave me a supportive network of adults I became close to in my childhood. I will always be my daddies little girl, and my moms best friend.
Bob and Howie
Family friends Bob and Howie have always been considered uncles, since they have been around since the day I was born. They have always listened to what I had to say, big or small. They remember my birthday, and as I got old, always called to say hello to me personally and see what was up.
My grandparents passed away when I was younger than 7, but I will always remember them. I used to have sleepovers, and my grandfather would do magic tricks, he was a magician for fun. When staying up late, he would often hypnotize me with his gold pocket watch so that I could go to sleep! I remember not being allowed to go to their funeral because I was too young, a decision I had no part in yet respected, although I still feel like I should have been there. My grandparents always had dried pineapple and apricots in their crystal candy dishes, the pineapple is still my favorite treat. I remember the silly colored bathrooms, metallic wall paper, and black and white tv.
My brother Jon is 4 years younger than me. When he was born I was excited! The doctor came to us and told us he was blue, and being young and naive, I asked why he wasn't going to be white like us! My family explained that he was bluish in tone because of a lack of oxygen, but that he would be ok, and not blue. I enjoyedcaring for him, but probably stole his bottle a time or two. We have never been super close, but have always had an influence on each other and how we saw our lives.
Monday, July 2, 2012
How far books have come
Although completely inappropriate to actually read to a child, you can identify with this if you have/ work with young children!! It is a REAL buy-able book! I find people buy it for baby showers for young mothers. you can also look up other youtube videos of people reading the story and their reactions.
I hope I do not offend anyone with this video, if you do not like the F* word, it is used many times, and you should probably not listen to it. Click at your own risk!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Week 2 Blog Assignment
A picture of my younger brother and I. I was 4 or 5 here.
I love this quote, because it makes you think about all the silly little things they say, and appreciate how they feel about it. I saw one blog about how a mother used to write down some silly things their child said, and made a scrap book out of it over the years.
Goodnight iPad is currently one of my favorite children's book. Although some people dislike that it is a parody of the classic book Goodnight Moon, I enjoy how it gives an updated view of how our lives are currently. Children at young ages are very familiar with touch phones, computers, video games, and other electronics, so it makes sense for them to now say 'goodnight' to these things, which provide much more distraction than the cow jumping over the moon.

A quote from his mother: "Thank you to our special family that a year ago lost their child and gave my child another chance at life. You are forever in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts, especially on a day like today. ♥ Words can never express my gratitude for Phoenix being able to do everything he does!"
This is a picture that the boy above, Phoenix, helped design and color. It is a representation of his recycled heart, and his hope for those in need. I choose it because it shows how much this little boy has grown and his understanding of his situation.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Success! the bunnies have all hopped away, a canopy has been put up, our playground use can be resumed!!
On a sadder note, on of our families is no longer returning after their summer break. The grandparents live in town, and help get the girls ready in the morning, have breakfast, and then drive them to school. Their grandfather has been having heart trouble, and they don't think they can care for the girls like that any longer. The children live a few towns over, and it is difficult for their parents to get them up earlier and get them ready for the day, as they are both teacher in surrounding towns and would have time restrictions. They have always complimented our classroom and are distraught about the need to leave. Their last day was today, and my assistant Susie and I were just as upset as the family. Lots of tears and hugs, we gave them a goodbye gift- pillow cases with a photo of the girls with us, and on the back printed their name in colorful large print. I hope the family emails us photo and video updates as the girls grow up, the youngest we have known since she was born and we would love to see videos of her fully talking, as she is trying to now.
Having children leave can be a sad experience.
On a sadder note, on of our families is no longer returning after their summer break. The grandparents live in town, and help get the girls ready in the morning, have breakfast, and then drive them to school. Their grandfather has been having heart trouble, and they don't think they can care for the girls like that any longer. The children live a few towns over, and it is difficult for their parents to get them up earlier and get them ready for the day, as they are both teacher in surrounding towns and would have time restrictions. They have always complimented our classroom and are distraught about the need to leave. Their last day was today, and my assistant Susie and I were just as upset as the family. Lots of tears and hugs, we gave them a goodbye gift- pillow cases with a photo of the girls with us, and on the back printed their name in colorful large print. I hope the family emails us photo and video updates as the girls grow up, the youngest we have known since she was born and we would love to see videos of her fully talking, as she is trying to now.
Having children leave can be a sad experience.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Some of you may be familiar with the website pinterest, and I am an active user. Their website allows people to veiw pictures of a variety of things: gargening, DIY projects, crafts, hair styles ect. Although I don't find it particularly easy to search for something specific, when browsing the site in a specific area, I often come accross things I like or would want to do, and I then re-pin it to my page in the area I choose to designate it in so I can find it easily at a later time.
I would like to share with you the link to my board for work:
I would like to share with you the link to my board for work:
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
First post, last rant.(Hopfully, anyway)
Today was a frustrating day for me.
Back story:
In a mixed infant toddler class you can have 3 infants at most, ages 6weeks to 15 months, with the remaining children ages 15months-2.9, totaling 9 children, with a teacher and an assistant. My class currently has two 14 month old children, and an 8 month old with the wide range of toddlers (some the size of line backers, I swear!). My assistant is in her 40's, 18 years of experience at her own home daycare, and me- the same age as her children with 5 years experience in a center based setting. Oddly, we get along pretty well most of the time, and often talk when on vacation or on the weekends.
We had to open a new playground recently, one specifically for infant/toddlers, due to expansion of our center. Our new playground was finally opened at the beginning of june, and we no longer had to stick to our strict outside schedule that rotated with the other classes. This being said, we were not missing our outside time due to children napping late- MA state department does not allow us to wake them up (although we make a hell of a lot of noise if they sleep too late). oh, and I forgot to mention we have no canopy/shade on our new playground, which is also against state code- not sure how we just got it licensed with our picky licensee. Last weekend, a bunny had her babies in the new playgrounds' play house. The decision was made not to move them, but to return to our original outdoor schedule with the big kid playground until the bunnies grew, moved, and a cleanup was done.
This morning, we missed outdoor time from 9:45-10:15, we go out early if we can, since we are the first class.We were talking to a parent who is very upset that she has to take her children out for the summer, which delayed our snack time (usually 915). My assistant and I decided that it was not worth gathering the children, and the 8 month old who was sleeping in the crib to go out for 10 minutes. At least all of the children walk except the 8 month old... not all of them walk well, but mobile enough. The baby has to stay in a pack and play, bouncy seat, stroller or car seat bucket while outdoors because it is lined with woodchips. Another dilemma- state rules say no wood chip nuggets, but does no define what a nugget is. I don't know about the state, but I see big chunks of wood that poke through my flip flops as nuggets, apparently our views differ. As it turns out, a class from a different program decided to go out during that time anyway, and they were too old to be with our children, so our decision made sense.
A half hour later, my boss comes in and asks if we went out. we explained the situation and she decided we must go out before lunch at 1130, stating that we should have woken the baby up. Frustration #1: remember, we can't wake the baby up. Legally, we have to have the infant on HER schedule, not our own. Frustration #2 It was already 1045, and we usually do a project, diapers, and lunch prep in addition to a one-on-one feeding time with the infant. Which also means that there is only one teacher carefully watching the other 8 children, since its one-on-one with the baby. Also,we are not allowed to feed her outside. this put a damper on my mood for the day, having to rush around without enough time to get everything done. We managed, and spent a whopping 15 minutes outside. the drastic change in schedule through the kids off, they did not understand why they were sitting to eat lunch when they came inside.
I am not pleased with this situation. It pains me even more, because come the end of August- I will have 4 infants, two at 9 WEEKS, one at 10 months, and one at 12 months. remember again.. we can only have 3 infants at a time? yeah, one too many, oops.... so we are supposed to open a new mixed classroom, and she wants all the infants with me and 6 of my youngest toddlers (the youngest toddler, is turning two soon)... instead of a room with just 3 non-mobile infants,which needs only one teacher, and the mobile 12 month old infant with the toddlers,with two staff needed.
frustrated beyond belief, can you hear the ranting? Sorry if the state rules are a little confusing, I know every state is different. Many of MA rules are consistent with NAEYC for those of you who are familiar.
Back story:
In a mixed infant toddler class you can have 3 infants at most, ages 6weeks to 15 months, with the remaining children ages 15months-2.9, totaling 9 children, with a teacher and an assistant. My class currently has two 14 month old children, and an 8 month old with the wide range of toddlers (some the size of line backers, I swear!). My assistant is in her 40's, 18 years of experience at her own home daycare, and me- the same age as her children with 5 years experience in a center based setting. Oddly, we get along pretty well most of the time, and often talk when on vacation or on the weekends.
We had to open a new playground recently, one specifically for infant/toddlers, due to expansion of our center. Our new playground was finally opened at the beginning of june, and we no longer had to stick to our strict outside schedule that rotated with the other classes. This being said, we were not missing our outside time due to children napping late- MA state department does not allow us to wake them up (although we make a hell of a lot of noise if they sleep too late). oh, and I forgot to mention we have no canopy/shade on our new playground, which is also against state code- not sure how we just got it licensed with our picky licensee. Last weekend, a bunny had her babies in the new playgrounds' play house. The decision was made not to move them, but to return to our original outdoor schedule with the big kid playground until the bunnies grew, moved, and a cleanup was done.
The day the bunnies were found. there are 5 total.
Today:This morning, we missed outdoor time from 9:45-10:15, we go out early if we can, since we are the first class.We were talking to a parent who is very upset that she has to take her children out for the summer, which delayed our snack time (usually 915). My assistant and I decided that it was not worth gathering the children, and the 8 month old who was sleeping in the crib to go out for 10 minutes. At least all of the children walk except the 8 month old... not all of them walk well, but mobile enough. The baby has to stay in a pack and play, bouncy seat, stroller or car seat bucket while outdoors because it is lined with woodchips. Another dilemma- state rules say no wood chip nuggets, but does no define what a nugget is. I don't know about the state, but I see big chunks of wood that poke through my flip flops as nuggets, apparently our views differ. As it turns out, a class from a different program decided to go out during that time anyway, and they were too old to be with our children, so our decision made sense.
This is one of the 5 bunnies today!
I am not pleased with this situation. It pains me even more, because come the end of August- I will have 4 infants, two at 9 WEEKS, one at 10 months, and one at 12 months. remember again.. we can only have 3 infants at a time? yeah, one too many, oops.... so we are supposed to open a new mixed classroom, and she wants all the infants with me and 6 of my youngest toddlers (the youngest toddler, is turning two soon)... instead of a room with just 3 non-mobile infants,which needs only one teacher, and the mobile 12 month old infant with the toddlers,with two staff needed.
frustrated beyond belief, can you hear the ranting? Sorry if the state rules are a little confusing, I know every state is different. Many of MA rules are consistent with NAEYC for those of you who are familiar.
Welcom! Week 1 Blog assignment
Blog made!!
This is a blog for an educator to give her input, and have colleges respond back. Some of these posts are specific for class at Walden University, I will put the heading as the assignment for that week, so it is easier to figure out.
Assignment 1, make blog and set up RSS feed. check!
This is a blog for an educator to give her input, and have colleges respond back. Some of these posts are specific for class at Walden University, I will put the heading as the assignment for that week, so it is easier to figure out.
Assignment 1, make blog and set up RSS feed. check!
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