Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 2 Blog Assignment

A picture of my younger brother and I. I was 4 or 5 here.

I love this quote, because it makes you think about all the silly little things they say, and appreciate how they feel about it. I saw one blog about how a mother used to write down some silly things their child said, and made a scrap book out of it over the years. 

The scrap booking link had taken me to here: 

Goodnight iPad is currently one of my favorite children's book. Although some people dislike that it is a parody of the classic book Goodnight Moon, I enjoy how it gives an updated view of how our lives are currently. Children at young ages are very familiar with touch phones, computers, video games, and other electronics, so it makes sense for them to now say 'goodnight' to these things, which provide much more distraction than the cow jumping over the moon.

A story that touches my heart is about my co-workers son. Now at age 3, he has had a successful heart transplant for a year. He had a heart condition at birth, and my coworker was told he would not live this long. At his birth, she was a young mom of 19, in a new marriage, she was strong and kept fighting for her child to get the best care, and to find the most up to date and supportive resources. Divorcing soon after his first birthday, she was a mom alone, fighting to keep her baby healthy. Boston's children's hospital played a crucial part on his life. His mother is grateful to the little angel who had to pass in order for her son to get a heart, and he is growing, happy, and at most times healthy. The strength of this single mother, in addition to her son's fight for his life and continued happiness as an innocent child, warms my heart.

 A quote from his mother: "Thank you to our special family that a year ago lost their child and gave my child another chance at life. You are forever in our thoughts, prayers, and hearts, especially on a day like today. ♥ Words can never express my gratitude for Phoenix being able to do everything he does!"

This is a picture that the boy above, Phoenix, helped design and color. It is a representation of his recycled heart, and his hope for those in need.  I choose it because it shows how much this little boy has grown and his understanding of his situation.


  1. I had not seen this new book that has modernized "Goodnight Moon." Actually, I am a little disappointed because I am bonded with the original book and it saddens me a bit that it had to modernized at all. Times have changed!

  2. I have not see the book, "Goodnight iPAD". It does fit in with the world today. Children at a young age are exposed to iPADS, cellphones, computers, video games, and other electroics. I feel they would relate to this story. This is one I would like to find and read. I love "Goodnight Moon" and I'm sure I will love this one as well.

  3. What some of you may not notice, is the author, Ann Droyd, is a play on words for "Android" the platform smart phones use (unless they are apple, I believe) :)

  4. I didn't even pay attention to the author, but that is very funny.
