Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Week 8 Blog Assignment

CONGRATULATIONS! we finished the class :) Thank you to everyone who responded and commented throughout the 8 weeks!

I am both excited and terrified to be finished with our foundations class for the program. I am wondering if it will be more difficult in future classes because it is no longer just the 'foundation' into class. I am very pleased with my grades though, which is a great relief to me! My mother has a very roundabout way of being supportive, and usually tells me I am going to fail out (reverse psychology to make me try not to fail?). With this course, every positive comment our instructor gave me I was excited about and shared with her, only to have her respond back saying that "she has to do that because it's a for-profit school and they want your money". GREAT MOM, THANKS. My coworkers have been very supportive of my good grades, and have shared excited discussions with me about each week's assignments.

  I wish I could have helped my classmates more, I feel for those who were struggling with how to submit or properly post, almost til the end of the course. I hope our professor was more help than the discussion board let on, I feel she often regurgitated the information posted instead of wording it differently for those who were still struggling and may not have understood that way.  I'll be of as much help as I can if anyone needs it!! I used to help my college friends do computer things when we were apart during summers, and I am pretty good and giving walk through's and other specific information to get to the end result! You can alway post on the blog, or use our walden E-mail :) I hate for anyone to struggle through the class only due to technology.

I wish we had access to our next course earlier, I would love to poke around for more than a couple days to make sure i've read everything. I am curious to see how different each instructor is, especially with grading! I hope that all of us continue in the same classes so we can have a stronger network and develop long distance friendships so we can vent about work (haha). I thank all of you for providing support with responses to our assignments  and for posting before me to give me strength or ideas for my own posts, I think I only posted first once!

on another note, i'm SO MAD. I was filling out my tuition reimbursemnt information for the next two classes i'm going to be taking and I realize it says that they will notify me if the application goes through or not. well, I was never notified and it has been over 8 weeks (the form had to be submitted PRIOR to enrolling- WHAT?!) so I think my boss forgot to submit it!!! I have to talk to her tomorrow, but she tends to be forgetful. I am hoping that they can let me re-submit, since they won't process anything until I give them proof that I've passed with a B or better anyway. she better not do this for the next set of classes!!! they will give me  up to $1500 or 75% of my classes per year (whichever is lower haha), which is awesome, because this summer course was considered 2001-2012, and gives me an additional year of refunds since its a 2-ish year program. Septembers class is considered 2012-2013 :)


  1. HI Lauren,

    This class has been great as well my colleagues. I'm glad they we had the opportunity to collaborate with one another on our experiences. I am curious as well with the different instructors. My next instructor will be a man. I wonder how will that work out. LOl!! I wish you nothing but the best in you future classes. What class are you taking in September?

    1. I will be taking early childhood development with Joyce Myers, then Effective Programs and Practices in october.

  2. Lauren, I wanted to personally thank your for any of the feedbacks you provided me through out this course. Also your resource section of the blog came in handy and I was able to add more websites to my saved list to refer back too. I have also wonder if each class will get harder or harder and will we have to continue to post blogs from our course. I plan on posting other blogs that I see might help other early childhood professions. I hope you continue to do the same.
    Thanks again,

  3. Hi Lauren,
    I've really enjoyed beginning this journey with you! This last post was so real and made me tear up a bit. I won't speak to your personal comment regarding your mom, but what I will say is that you were a very important and supportive part of this class. You were always willing to help and offer suggestions. I wish you the very best with the enrollment and I'm sure we will all end up in many more classes together due to our start date. I look forward to continuing to read your blog posts. Good Luck and thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Lauren,
    I have learned a lot from reading your posts and blogs over the last few weeks. I wish that we could all take the next few classes together. I feel that we have all connected with each other. My next class is Early Childhood Development with Joyce Myers. I wish you all the luck in your classes and please keep updating your blog. I would love to continue reading it and supporting each other.

    1. I'm in that class too! Most likely we will be in the same group again because our last names are close alphabetically. it was all the same work anyway, just different comment groups! are you enrolled for Effective Programs and Practices at the end of october?

  5. Lauren,

    As I type this entry I am thinking back to when I first saw your blog and wanted so badly to ask you how to do the tabs, but I felt you were contributing so much to me through the sharing of your experiences and wisdom that I should just be content with my ill-formatted blog for the next two years. It has been a pleasure sharing thoughts and ideas with you Lauren. I have definitely been influenced and inspired by your blogs and discussion posts. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. I hope to have a class with you again soon. I am taking Effective Programs and Practices with Johnna Darragh in September. I had her for one of my undergrad courses and she was great. Good luck with your upcoming classes

  6. Lauren,

    I appreciate all of your positive communication and support throughout our coursework. I too am happy about completing my first course in this degree, yet nervous about any new challenges ahead.If all of my course colleagues are as supportive as they have been in this course, I know I can make it!

    Thanks Again!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    I want to thank you for the suggestions you made to help me with my discussion posts. Online learning is new to me and it was comforting to know that colleagues,such as yourself, were willing to help those of us who were having issues at first. I wish you the best in futue courses. I noticed that you and Misty have Joyce Myers as your next instuctor, so do I. I am happy to be continuing with colleagues from this fist course and am looking forward to September 4th!

  8. I had to laugh at your comment about your Mom's "support", I have had people "support" me in my life the same. I heard a saying once that changed my perspective on all negative comments, "In this world people will always throw stones in the path of your success, it depends on you… What you make from them, a wall or a bridge" Sounds like you have learned to use those stones to build your bridge to success, good for you! Thank you for your comments and support this class, I hope to see you in my future classes!

