Sunday, July 8, 2012

Week 3 Blog Assignment

Personal Childhood Web

this web is permanently located to the right of my blog, but additionally, i'll post it here as well.

Mom and Dad

The first people to influence me as a child were my parents. Their love and quirky sense of humor helped shape who I am today. They supported good moral values, and gave me a supportive network of adults I became close to in my childhood. I will always be my daddies little girl, and my moms best friend.

Bob and Howie
Family friends Bob and Howie have always been considered uncles, since they have been around since the day I was born. They have always listened to what I had to say, big or small. They remember my birthday, and as I got old, always called to say hello to me personally and see what was up.

My grandparents passed away when I was younger than 7, but I will always remember them. I used to have sleepovers, and my grandfather would do magic tricks, he was a magician for fun. When staying up late, he would often hypnotize me with his gold pocket watch so that I could go to sleep! I remember not being allowed to go to their funeral because I was too young, a decision I had no part in yet respected, although I still feel like I should have been there. My grandparents always had dried pineapple and apricots in their crystal candy dishes, the pineapple is still my favorite treat. I remember the silly colored bathrooms, metallic wall paper, and black and white tv.

I went to a home daycare with my brother before attending kindergarten. Dottie had a bunch of her own children who were often helping with taking care of us. Some of them were in high school and were not always the best influences, but she made sure to shoo them away when they were being inappropriate. I remember there was turmoil occasionally with her second husband, but nothing specific about it. I remember one boy who attended, who told me that thunder was his daddy bowling in heaven. I remember her big purple minivan.

My brother Jon is 4 years younger than me. When he was born I was excited! The doctor came to us and told us he was blue, and being young and naive, I asked why he wasn't going to be white like us! My family explained that he was bluish in tone because of a lack of oxygen, but that he would be ok, and not blue. I enjoyedcaring for him, but probably stole his bottle a time or two. We have never been super close, but have always had an influence on each other and how we saw our lives.


  1. I like your blog. It sounds like you have a great support network and family cheering you on during this journey. It is so great to have support. How did you put your influences on the side of your blog like that? I like it.

  2. Awesome blog Lauren!! I love the pictures!! It seems as though your childhood was full of fun and laugher. Being around the ones who means the most to is a wonderful experience. Family first!! They are the ones who's there when NO one else is.

  3. I enjoyed reading your childhood web. I found this assignment insightful. I had not really thought about influences beyond my family. Great pictures! It really helps the reader to connect to your blog.

  4. Lauren I love what you did with this blog. The pictures are great. You had so many caring people in your life -definitely a strong microsystem. It's great the way you talk about the lessons and the tastes you acquired as a child that remain with you today.

  5. Misty- to put the pictures I did the following:

    when going to, I see where my blog is, and I click drop down arrow next to the icon of papers to select Layout. On my layout, it gives me options to add gadgets. Each influence is a text gadget and each picture is a picture gadget.

  6. Hi Lauren,

    I really like this layout. I will have to check to see what kind of fun and interesting things I can do on wordpress. You had a great support system growing up, and lots of good memories. I was daddies little girl also...that was our special song. I never knew either of my grandfathers, but I did enjoy loving relationships with both grandmothers. I enjoyed reading your blog.

  7. Loved reading this!!! What great memories you are sharing!!!
